Saturday, 2 October 2021

absent horizon


grotesquely and


The void is yours.

Blast torrential shards that

gore eternity.


the eye of the storm.

Meticulously curate

this ideal specimen

of intricate terror,

ultimate and everlasting.

The void is yours.

Make it special.

Build your demon.

Give it a home.

Mutilate shadows

and butcher the dark.

Rip fury apart

and hang it

from hooks of wrath.

Friday, 10 September 2021

Inward Beam

Maimed heart,
your light shines the other way.
To others
you look dark.

Sore soul,
your torn fire aches
and waits alone
for what it has lost.

The child cries
as demons eat the world.
Tears water the earth
but only hollowness

and grows
into this expanse
where the bruises dwell

and pray to rot.
Ripped and tender
edges sting,
afraid to heal,

refusing closure
in frantic hope.
Listening hard.

The distance
feeds a fungus
where the child
needs to speak.

Cloaked in leprosy,
the perpetual roar swells,
incinerating the real
and glazing the right

(the only thing that matters)
that catches your
inward beam.
And I see it.

Monday, 12 July 2021

Tuning In

Every time
Turn me toward the
Toward its crackle
And smoke and

Instead of the
Where the light
Makes me the spectacle
For us to learn
Nothing from.

Every time
Turn us toward the
Toward their distance
And history and

Instead of the
Where the glare
Bombards us, demanding
That we praise
Its glamour.

Every time
Remind me of the
Where I can see you
And you can hear me

Every single time.